Fat Facts.........

Dietary Fats R Essential, But they should be from healthful resources. Fish, sunflower, soy, cotton seed and corn are rich sources of poly unsaturated fats.  Eliminating fats completely from our daily diet is practically not possible nor is it a healthy practice.  Fat is as important as carbohydrates or proteins.  Fat is essential to meet the daily metabolic requirements.

The latest dietary guidelines too advice that essential fats should be a part of our daily diet.  The saturated fats should be less than 10 percentile of our daily calorie intake.  Cholesterol intake should be less than 300 grams/day.   The trans-fats should be completely avoided.  Cholesterol intake can be avoided as the body can build its own cholesterol.  The body converts all the excess calories in2 saturated fats.

Following R some tips for a healthy fat free life style:

1. Choose your cooking oil: use sunflower oil.

2. Avoid excess ghee intake.

3. Do not reuse oil:  these oils contain trans-fats which are bad for the arteries.

4. Avoid commercially prepared fried foods as they contain hydrogenated fats.

5. Avoid using vanaspathi.

6. Substitute fish for meat in your diet. Fish is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids which are good for the heart.

7. Do not consume more than one egg yolk/day.

health tips and technics

1.Health and Fitness:

Health and Fitness has now become one of the major concerns. Earlier humans used to hunt for their living, due to which their body had to undergo a lot of physical exercise. This made life active and alert. Now, life has become more simple and easy. Everything we need is just a phone call away. This easy life has restricted humans to do that bit of physical exercise which is required to keep the body fit and healthy. We get instant, spicy and variety of food which lose their nutrition during the process.

How do we ensure that we have all that we need to have a healthy living? This is a big question among everyone. We need proper nutrition and a fit and healthy body. Good Health is all that one craves for. Becoming healthier and fitter though not very difficult needs dedicated efforts.

2.Nutrition and Health Diet:

The basic foundation for a healthy individual starts from his foetal stage with proper and healthy nutrition derived from his or her mother. Hence, a pregnant woman's diet stands atop all diets.

Your food shall be your medicine. Ayurveda has postulated the role of food and especially nutritive foods for maintaining health as well as cure of diseases. Nutrients are necessary for the proper functioning of mental, physical, metabolic, chemical and hormonal activities. The body is like a machine that will repair and rebuild itself if proper nutrition is provided by way of food.

Sumptous nutrition is available in fruits and vegetables. Fruits have the capacity to give all that a body needs. How to consume? What to consume? Which fruit helps in which way? The answers to these questions can be found in our Nutrition and Healthy Diet Section.

3.Exercise and Fitness:

Simple fitness exercises can help to have a fitter and healthy life. Stretching exercises can help in many ways in mainting a fitter body. Weight loss can be achieved by following simple effortless regular exercises. Medical breakthroughs can happen by regular meditation and exercising. Yoga and other workouts which can be performed easily are available in this website to keep you fit and healthy.

Health and Fitness can make all that difference in one's life. Healthy living is all that one needs, and to achieve that we picked up the best of the articles from reliable sources and have presented here in an organized manner. You might not be able to spend your valuable time on complicated medications and diet controls, but, you can find articles to help you have a better living using simple and easy technics.

Ayurveda, a science in vogue practiced since centuries, uses a wide variety of plants, animal origin substances, mineral and metallic substances to rebalance the diseased condition in the sick. A few tips on simple treatment of life style diseases have been carefully picked for the visitors of this website. These tips can help reduce or control diseases like diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc.


Business Basics

I Love chatting about Business, And Love 2 see people put an idea or 3 into action and get results, But Unfortunately far too many people go 2 get started and so blindly follow the idea their heart runs off with the head and they fail. I don’t want them to fail but they do, the business owner does not want it 2 fail but it does… Fail, fail , fail… its not a good look!
Therefore, any chance I get I like 2 mention the basics of business in the hope 2 make a difference, I Like 2 harp on about the basics and let people know…
Idea – Research – Action – Spend $$ – Make $$ – Have some left over – Invest – Repeat. (or close 2 that.)
Still people get it wrong, some end up with an image like this…
Idea – Action – Spend $$ – Make SOME $$ – Spend more $$ – End up broke. (Or some similar pattern 2 that.)
What’s the point of having a great idea and seeing it crash and burn? None, it hurts and can easily hurt others, so stop doing it. The challenge is however people don’t see the “crash and burn phase” they see a rose coloured world of $$ and happy customers.
Consider this, you want to learn to fly, you have the idea, you have the cash to buy a plane, you know full well you can’t fly the sucker until you have been trained and pass the test.
So why the heck do people jump into business (of any size) without the right training… Because they can, and you know what, you can sign up 2 get business registration on line, get a bank account and so forth and be in business in no time flat. Problem is no training, probably some skills, possibly and few helping hands to get started. and the rest seems to be “fly by the seat of your pants” and hope 4 the best.
Do some basic research BEFORE getting started and make sure you KNOW what you are in for PLEASE. too many failures in business seems such a waste of resources folks.


starting out in business

Here R Three Points I think you will find make a persuasive business argument, Take one of these factors out and you will be out of business fast. Let me know what you think in the comments.......

1. Have something 2 sell.
2. Sell It.
3. Make a Profit.
To do so you need 2 market the offerings, have a process 2 sell with, manage the money.
2 do that you need to have a handle on the HR, finances, marketing, overheads and it then starts to get more in depth 4rm there. However  you probably should be thinking in the terms of the basic Three things 2 do, then see what’s happening 4rm there.
May I suggest, you make a BIG poster or three with those key points on it.
Then consider breaking things down from there, so at any given moment you can know how each area is going, which one to tweak next and set a plan for the next one.
On your breakdown you will probably have a list of finer points relating to each area, then you can ask yourself, “which smaller area works well and which needs adjusting?”
Lets face it, business is not easy, in fact very challenging at times! But if these simple steps can make it easier for you then that’s got to be a good thing.
Ooh wait I 4got! there’s a 4th point, ooh silly me… Notice how you are looking at the business as the owner (from the perspective I have written it), note also how you are looking at the business, as a whole. Therefore you are taking a leaders view, a coaches view if you like.
Therefore you can be the coach and suggest strategies, work with your people to develop tactics, involve them in the game, many of them will know their parts in the process and know you have a chance to direct things that bit further. Go on be the leader, Check out the strategies and concepts you need to put in place, then bring it all together like a great symphony, all orchestrated and conducted by you the Business leader.